The DEO minimal drift micro electrode holder has been produced for patching dendrites using 2.0mm OD glass.
The holder can be supplied with different attachments to fit particular headstages:
S - Screw fitting for Axon® HLU type headstages (including CV-203BU, CV-7A/B, HS-9A) and Sutter Instrument IPA® and dPatch® Digital Patch Amplifier Systems. [to order click here]
P - Push fit for Axon® HL-1 type headstages (including CV201A / 201AU)
H - BNC connector type for HEKA Co.® headstages and some NPI® and Dagan® amplifiers
PLEASE NOTE: The barrel holder/suction tube assembly, the barrel and the electrode cap of the DEO type holders are NOT interchangeable with our ISO range holders as, although they look similar, they are of a different size.
These holders are made to order so delivery may be up to a week later than our other holders
To order DEO-P-2.0G or DEO-H-2.0G holders please email